
Parent's Corner

A quick classroom reference for parents.

star Star of the Week - Every child in our class is special and will be given the opportunity to be "Star of the Week". On Monday our Star gets free icecream! Tuesdays our Star brings a favorite book to tell us about. On Wednesday our Star is the Scientist of the Day and brings a science related object, article or experiment to share with the class. All About Me Posters are shared on Thursdays. On Friday our Star brings a special snack for everyone to enjoy.

birthday Birthdays - The children are invited to bring a birthday treat to celebrate their birthday. Children are not allowed to receive deliveries of balloons, baskets, etc. Birthday party invitations can be brought to school to be handed out as long as the whole class is being invited. If the whole class is not invited invitations must be mailed. The same rule applies to inviting children in other classes.

Our birthday bucket will be sent home with your child on their birthday. The birthday bucket includes a special birthday pillowcase (no need to wash it but it does need to be returned the next day), a birthday theme book and the birthday journal all of which need to be returned the next day. We have lost several of the birthday books. Please put the book back in the bucket as soon as your child reads it so it does not get lost in your book collection at home. Also in the bucket will be their birthday present from me chosen from the Birthday Box and some other things for your child to keep.

snack Snacks - We will have a snack time each day. Snacks should consist of one small snack and a drink. Drinks can be brought from home (no sodas allowed) or milk and orange juice can be purchased from the school for $.30.

illness Illness - Children must not come to school if they are ill. Children should be fever free for 24 hours or on an antibiotic for 24 hours in order to return to school. You can request make up work by calling the office and it will be ready by 3:00 p.m.

toothfairy Tooth Fairy - We are excited when we lose teeth in first grade! To celebrate the occasion the children get to take home the Tooth Fairy Bag. The bag includes a tooth fairy pillowcase (no need to wash it but it does need to be returned the next day) and the Tooth Fairy Journal. Please return both items the next day.

Tinkerbell Tinkerbell - Tinkerbell is our class mascot. He is available to join your family on special occasions or out of town trips. Tinkerbell has his own traveling backpack and journal. We would love to have a picture or two to go with his journal entry. Please make sure both items return to school with Tinkerbell on the next school day.

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