
Kids' Corner

Fun things to do for kids

When I was little, I was always facinated with the concept of "The Borrowers". I thought it would be so much fun if this little family choose MY house to live in. My bedroom had all of these interesting nooks and crannies, creaks and groans, so it was easy to imagine having them around. Hiding would not have been a problem for them...... I would have helped them find the spools, match boxes, buttons, and who knows what else so they could have a comfortable living space! This facination with little people and minatures always seems to resurface around Saint Patrick's Day. Little footprints show up on the counter......... hmmmmmmm, maybe I wasn't imagining it!

clover I always watch a wee bit o' "River Dance" to get me self in the mood for Saint Paddy's Day. Ye'll be dancin' an Irish jig once ye explore these Saint Paddy's Day sites.

A Taste of Ireland!

Saint's Patrick's Day at Kids Domain

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

clover Sometimes my birthday would fall on Easter. I got one of my favorite childhood presents on one of those Easter birthdays. It was a kite reel that worked like a fishing reel. I had so much fun playing with it and the new kite attached to it. I still enjoy flying kites and appreciate the talents of expert kite flyers, especially those with trick kites!

The Windy World of Kites

World Champion Kite Flying


National Kite Month

Be A Wind Explorer


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