One Day, Fun Days
We have a lot of fun in first grade
at Saint James School. Our activities are designed to enrich our units of study, celebrate events and reinforce new
or revisited concepts. Some days we celebrate the whole day and have more fun than a barrell full of monkeys.
These are our "one day, fun days". Come join us for the fun!!
The 50th Day of School is here before we
know it! What better way to celebrate than to dress up like we just stepped out of 1955! Grease your hair back, grab
your sweater and let's rock and roll!
An election wouldn't be anything without
candidates! Each election day Mr. Scarecrow and Mr. Polar Bear campaign hoping to win the election. Every first grader
votes with dreams of getting the special activity they want to enjoy. Will it be Fall Fun Day or Cozy Cave Day?
One candidate always has a better
platform than the other. Mr. Scarecrow and Mr. Polar Bear are no different. Mr. Polar Bear promised us that if
he was elected we could have Cozy Cave Day when we studied the Artic. Fall Fun Day didn't stand a chance and Mr. Polar
Bear won by a landslide! Pajamas at school, homemade caves and teddy bears.....what could be better on a chilly January
What would you do with a hundred...? That
is the question of the day on the 100th Day of School. We spend the whole day exploring the number 100, writing about
100, measuring 100, guessing 100 and our favorite activity, hunting for 100!

First graders love maps! They
have just started understanding the world beyond their own neighborhood. During our map unit we learn about map keys,
north, south, east, west and the compass rose. With the help of parent volunteers, maps and directions we set out
across the Saint James Campus searching for Waldo, that funny character lost in the book pages of the "Where's Waldo" books.
He's easier to find if you get lost in the crowd with him!

One day, fun days are never over. The
memories go on and on!